Beth E. Kailes, DMD • Nicole M. Staman, DMD • Allison J. Johnston, DMD

Beth E. Kailes, DMD
Nicole M. Staman, DMD
Allison J. Johnston, DMD

April is Autism Awareness Month!

We proudly support Autism Awareness Month!  Dr. Kailes and her team have specialized training to accommodate patients with many unique needs.  We strive to cater each visit to your child’s individual needs in a compassionate, accepting and positive environment.  Our “1st Visit Video” is a great tool to use with any child and especially those with special needs before their visit to help them be more prepared and familiar with our office.  Click here to watch the video:–gE&t=16s


Growing Healthy Smiles is pleased to offer same-day or next-day appointments for most services. Please contact our office to reserve the doctor’s time and to keep your child smiling and healthy!