Beth E. Kailes, DMD • Nicole M. Staman, DMD • Allison J. Johnston, DMD

Beth E. Kailes, DMD
Nicole M. Staman, DMD
Allison J. Johnston, DMD

Best Smile Contest

best baby smile


PLUS other fun surprises!

To Participate

  1. Send your child’s photo to OR private message to our Facebook page
  2. Include in your submission:
    a. your name
    b. your phone number
    c. the name of the child in the photo
    d. your relation to the child in the photo
  3. Ask all your friends to vote by:
    a. Visiting our Facebook page and go to the album of contestant photos.
    b. Comment or click like/love on the photo they choose.

The Most likes / loves wins!

Deadline for submission is on 05/27/24.

Winners will be announced on 05/31/24, National Smile Day.

Contest Rules

  1. By submitting your child’s photo, you are consenting to Growing Healthy Smiles to post your child’s photo on Facebook, agreeing that you have full approval to use this photo and you are a willing participant of our Best Smile Contest and all of our rules.
  2. We love all smiles, but we prefer to see GROWING healthy smiles. Therefore, entries need to be children under 18 years old.
  3. We will display photos on our Facebook page as they are received. The earlier you send your photo, the more votes you can get.
  4. In the event of a tie, Growing Healthy Smiles will decide.
  5. The winner will be announced on National Smile Day, May 31, 2024.
  6. The winner needs to pick up their prize by June 7, 2024.
  7. By submitting an entry, the entrant agrees that the sponsor bears no legal liability, expressed or implied, regarding the use of the entry and the sponsor shall be held harmless by the entrant in the event that the entrant has not complied with the submission guidelines.

Growing Healthy Smiles is pleased to offer same-day or next-day appointments for most services. Please contact our office to reserve the doctor’s time and to keep your child smiling and healthy!